Syds Scalp saver cowl support

Hi gang,

I've got 3 pictures of my right side cowl support. The left side is similar.

Below is a close-up from the front. The upper "strap" (my term) is made from 0.062" aluminum sheet, probably 5051, with 1/4" radius bends, 1" wide. The bottom rivets are right in line with the rivet line in the piano hinge. The upper rivets are 5 1/2" above the lower rivets. The top rivet flange is 1/2" long. The upper leg is 5 1/2" long. The lower leg is 3 1/2" long, and the bottom rivet flange is 1" long. The hole for the support pin (my term) is 3/8" dia.

Below is another close-up, this time from the rear, showing the support pin in it's down position. It is 6 1/4" long, 3/4" wide at it's widest point, tapering to 3/16" wide at the pointed end, 0.090" thick. It is supported by a #10 bolt and self locking nut on the baffle. The bolt hole is located 2 3/4 inboard from the outside end of the baffle, 1/2" above the bend line of the baffle. Actually, I always position the pin pointing inboard when it's not in use so it won't rub against the cowl.

Sydney Cohen
